How to Be Yourself in a Society That Wants You to Be Normal?
Risking Our Mental and Physical Health
Social media has made it so much easier to connect with people worldwide. But what happens when you don’t want to be connected? What happens when you don’t want to be ‘normal’?
In our society, we are often bombarded with images of normal. We see ‘perfect’ people on social media who seem to have it all together, and we start to feel like we need to be like them to fit in.
We are constantly exposed to different types on social media, significantly impacting our perception of what is expected. These perceptions are often shaped by how we see ourselves compared to others.
Social media has created an environment where people feel pressure to portray themselves as perfect and happy all the time. This can be damaging for those struggling with mental health issues or other difficulties in their lives.
Social media also affects how we perceive ourselves and our bodies, which has led to a rise in eating disorders like Orthorexia Nervosa and Body Dysmorphia.
We need to be careful about the images that we consume daily. We should focus on positive and authentic content, which will help us develop a more positive self-image.
When we accept ourselves for who we are, we become stronger and more resilient. We don’t need to fit into this narrow definition of normal shoved down our throats by society. There is no right or wrong way to be yourself – just be you!
Social media has become a part of our everyday lives. It is an outlet for self-expression, creativity, and even therapy. But what are the effects of social media on our mental health?
With the rise of social media, it has become easier to compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate. The adverse effects of social media can be seen in increasing depression and anxiety rates among teens.
Social media has become a significant part of our everyday life. We post pictures, videos, and statuses to our social media profiles without thinking about the consequences. As a result, people are becoming more and more self-absorbed.
What is normality? What is the difference? Normality and difference are two words we often hear in our daily lives. We all have different thoughts and feelings about what they mean.
Nowadays, many people live their lives and do not follow what society expects. They do not care about what other people think of them, and they live their lives as they please.
We need to be ourselves because there is no perfect life or person. We all have our flaws, and it’s okay to be different from others because being different is what makes us unique.
Society tries to force us into this normality, but we should accept ourselves for who we are and be proud of our differences.
The Need to Fit In
The need to fit in is innate in people. It’s the desire to be part of a group, be accepted, and not stand out. But what does it mean to fit in? And what does it mean if you don’t?
Society tells us that to fit in; we need to be expected. We need to act a certain way, look a certain way, and think a certain way. But what is normal?
Normality is subjective. What one person considers normal may not be considered normal by someone else.
When we try too hard to fit into this idea of normality, we often end up suppressing our true selves. We start to become people that we are not comfortable being, and eventually, we will resent ourselves for it.
Fitting in is important to some people, but it’s also important to remember who you are at your core. You don’t need to change who you are to be accepted by others. You need to be yourself and let others accept you for that.
What are the Risks of Fitting in too Much?
When we try too hard to fit in, we often risk our mental and physical health. We start to compare ourselves to others and feel like we are not good enough. This can lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and worst.
We also run the risk of losing ourselves in the process. We may start to act differently than we usually would, dress differently, or even think differently. And when that happens, we lose sight of who we are as individuals.
It’s essential to find a balance between fitting in and being yourself. Don’t let society dictate who you should be – find out who you are and own it!
It can be hard to be yourself in a society trying to make us conform to their idea of routine. But it’s important to remember that there is no such thing as perfect. We all have our flaws, and that is okay!
So, the next time you start to feel like you need to fit in, remember that it’s okay to be different. You are unique and special, and there is nothing wrong with that!